Five individuals sitting in an office having a meeting

Tips on Transforming Your Culture

Despite efforts being made to create a more inclusive workplace for all genders, results from these efforts are exposing a gap in progress. Gender bias and discrimination are still prevalent, even in the hybrid and remote workspace.

This article will help empower leadership and employers with the knowledge to foster a gender-inclusive workplace.

Read more: How to Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

Understanding gender identity in the workplace

Not to be confused with biological sex, which is assigned at birth, gender identity is one’s own concept of their gender. Whether they identify as female, male, both, neither, or something else, gender and gender identity both exist on a spectrum.

How to promote non-discrimination policies in the workplace

Organizations typically have anti-harassment and non-discrimination policies that are in place to protect marginalized groups. Review your policies and find opportunities to include sections on gender identity and expression.

While it may seem trivial, it’s actually quite important to formalize this policy in your organization’s foundation. It shows commitment and intent to take matters seriously should there be conflict in the future.

Read more: Dealing with Workplace Harassment in Remote Employment

Be proactive about pronouns

Being more gender-inclusive can start simply by stating your pronouns in meetings and town halls, respectfully asking people for their pronouns, and encouraging your leadership team and employees to do the same.

Another simple step to take is to have a process in place on how to share pronouns in other areas of work, such as an email signature or video call.

Model gender-inclusive language

Take a close look at your existing literature to find opportunities to model more gender-inclusive language. Look for terminology that may be unintentionally polarizing and opt for gender-neutral pronouns instead. If your organization is really serious about these changes, you can look into hiring a professional whose job is to find obvious and subtle forms of bias and polarizing terminology within your literature and offer solutions to make it more inclusive.

Enhance diverse voices

Encourage and empower employees at all levels of your organization to speak up and collaborate with each other. By giving gender-diverse individuals a platform, you will be driving gender equity and gaining new perspectives and insights into the organization.

It also paves the way for new generations to connect with their peers and leaders, and fosters a more inclusive environment with improved morale, productivity, and a sense of community.

Read more: Leadership Tips on How to Foster Community in Hybrid Environments

Update language on documents

Give your employees the option to identify how they choose in formal documents for the organization. Furthermore, remove gendered language from documents such as job descriptions or handbooks.

Advocate for gender-inclusive dress code

If your workplace has a dress-code policy based on gender (e.g., skirts for women, ties for men, etc.), advocate for a code that includes gender-diverse individuals who may not fall into the binary of standard female and male norms.

Offer gender-neutral restrooms

A basic but essential change is to ensure your office offers access to gender-inclusive bathrooms.

Evaluate recruiting and hiring practices

Examine your hiring policies and practices and find opportunities for them to be more gender-inclusive while allowing room for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

For example, while you want to diversify your organization, try opting to eliminate identifiers such as gender when reviewing applications. Blind hiring is also a great practice when it comes to ensuring candidates are shortlisted based on their experience and not their characteristics.

Educate employees on gender-inclusivity

There are so many resources available today on how to promote gender-inclusivity and what it means to be gender-inclusive, but it can be helpful for organizations to take a pause and educate their teams directly in an official capacity.

HR, leaders, employees, and employers need to all be on the same page in understanding the importance of gender inclusivity and what it means to adopt this policy. Hold a session that focuses on gender identity, diversity, anti-harassment, and trans-specific materials and take the opportunity to share your organization’s advancements in gender inclusivity.

Read more: Strengthening Culture in Hybrid Work Environments

The Takeaway

The pandemic has provided a loud wake-up call for organizations around the world to reevaluate their culture and values. While progress has been made for gender diversity and inclusivity in the workplace, it’s up to organizations to keep pushing forward to bridge the gender gap.

If your organization is experiencing roadblocks implementing these values and need professional investigation or mediation services to handle a conflict or prevent conflicts from occurring, consulting with a neutral third party will help to resolve distracting, challenging situations and empower all participants involved to settle on an agreeable solution that propels your organization forward.

At Global Mindful Solutions, we have established processes that aim to provide insightful, comprehensive solutions with a compassionate and unbiased approach. This allows everyone involved to focus on getting back to work and continue making a positive contribution to their organization while leading a fulfilling role in their careers.

Contact Global Mindful Solutions to get started with neutral, knowledgeable, and effective mediation, facilitation, and restoration services.


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