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Tips to ensure your workplace can bounce back after an investigation

Workplace investigations play a crucial role in uncovering and addressing issues within an organization, but their true impact lies in the transformative steps taken afterward. In this article, we will explore the essential post-investigation strategies that organizations can adopt to implement positive changes and cultivate a healthier workplace culture, reducing the risk of future conflicts.

Read more: Workplace Investigation Aftermath

According to the 2022 report released by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, 61% of registered complaints relate to employment issues. Of these complaints, 13% were dismissed, 10% were referred to tribunal, 47% were decided to be preliminary issues, and 30% settled.

Changes to implement and preventive measures to take after completing a workplace investigation aiming to create a workplace culture that minimizes the risk of future conflicts:

Transparent communication

After the investigation concludes, transparent communication is key. Clearly communicate the outcomes of the investigation to all relevant stakeholders while respecting privacy and confidentiality. This builds trust and demonstrates a commitment to openness.

Educational initiatives

Implement educational programs focused on promoting a healthy workplace culture. Offer training sessions on conflict resolution, diversity and inclusion, and respectful communication. Education empowers employees to contribute positively to the workplace environment.

Policy Review and enhancement

Use the investigation findings to review and, if necessary, enhance existing policies. Ensure that policies regarding harassment, discrimination, and other workplace issues are up-to-date, clearly communicated, and aligned with legal and ethical standards.

Leadership training

Provide specialized training for leaders and managers on handling workplace issues effectively. Equip them with the skills to recognize potential conflicts early, intervene appropriately, and foster a culture of open communication within their teams.

Anonymous reporting mechanisms

Establish or enhance anonymous reporting mechanisms to encourage employees to come forward with concerns without fear of retaliation. Anonymous channels can act as early warning systems, allowing organizations to address issues before they escalate.

Mentorship and support programs

Implement mentorship programs to support employees, especially those who may have been directly or indirectly affected by the investigation. This provides a sense of community and ensures that individuals feel supported in their professional growth.

Cultural sensitivity training

If the investigation revealed issues related to cultural sensitivity, implement training programs that promote cultural awareness and sensitivity. Foster an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued and respected.

Regular check-ins and surveys

Establish regular check-ins and anonymous surveys to gauge the pulse of the workplace. Actively seek employee feedback to identify any emerging concerns or areas for improvement, allowing the organization to address issues proactively.

Celebrating positive culture

Recognize and celebrate positive behaviours and achievements within the workplace. Positive reinforcement encourages employees to embody the values of a healthy workplace culture, creating a more supportive and collaborative environment.

Continuous improvement

Treat the post-investigation period as an ongoing process of improvement. Regularly revisit and reassess the effectiveness of implemented strategies. Be open to feedback and be willing to adjust approaches based on evolving organizational needs.

Preparing your organization for what to expect after an investigation is just as important as preparing them for an investigation. It’s a delicate process requiring thoughtful attention to detail, a well laid-out plan, and an unbiased party to guide you. Additionally, properly settled workplace investigations—or restorations—protect employers from potential liability, large financial risks, and other consequences that could negatively impact operations and organizational resilience.

By consulting an unbiased third party for thorough investigation and resolution services, organizations can address workplace dysfunction while ensuring all parties are heard.

Explore Workplace Investigation Services

Explore Workplace Restoration Services

The Takeaway

A workplace investigation is not the end but rather the beginning of a journey toward a healthier organizational culture. By actively implementing post-investigation strategies, organizations can create an environment where conflicts are addressed promptly and that preventive measures are in place to minimize the risk of future issues. A commitment to continuous improvement and a proactive approach to workplace health and culture is integral to sustained success.

If your organization is experiencing roadblocks in finding effective ways to manage workplace conflict and needs professional investigation or mediation services, consulting with a neutral third party will help resolve distracting, challenging situations and empower all participants to settle on an agreeable solution that propels your organization forward.

At Global Mindful Solutions, we have established processes that aim to provide insightful, comprehensive solutions with a compassionate and unbiased approach. This allows everyone involved to focus on returning to work and continue to make a positive contribution to their organization while leading fulfilling roles in their careers.

Contact Global Mindful Solutions for neutral, knowledgeable, and effective mediation, facilitation, and restoration services.


613-869-9130 |

343 Preston Street, Suite 1100, Ottawa, ON, K1S 1N4

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