Why Transparency Is Crucial for Company Culture

How Transparency Can Transform Your Work Environment You’ve heard the word “transparency” used to describe the right approach to managing a successful business. It isn’t just a buzzword: transparency really does play a key part in cultivating success, and profits are not the only reason. A transparent workplace serves employees and clients, too,…

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How to Handle Negative Feedback from Employees

Here’s What You Should Do When an Employee Has a Complaint As a leader, it’s likely that you are the person who employees will come to when they have feedback about the company. What should you do when their feedback is negative? Feedback from employees is vital to creating a positive culture within the company. Both positive and negative feedback…

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Signs of a Hostile Work Environment

Understanding the legal guidelines that constitute a hostile work environment Work can be hard. There will often be situations where you don’t get along with co-workers or that you have to deal with conflict. This can result in a tense and stressful environment. But is it hostile? It can be hard to determine the difference between a negative and a…

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Workplace Bullying vs. Harassment

Understanding the Difference and Keeping Yourself Safe Conflicts in the workplace are inevitable. However, there is a big difference between conflict and bullying or harassment. When discussing harmful workplace behaviour, bullying and harassment tend to be grouped under the same definition. In reality, they are quite different in severity, their…

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Formal Employee Complaints: What Not to Do

Comprehensive Advice to Guide You Through the Process It's never easy when an employee comes to you with a serious allegation towards another employee or manager in your organization. Whether it's your first time dealing with a formal employee complaint or you're searching for tips on what not to do for the future, this article will help you avoid…

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Tips for Handling Formal Employee Complaints

How to Handle Formal Complaints With Care and Consideration Regardless of how in-tune you are to your workforce, conflict can arise at any moment for many different reasons. Employee complaints are a serious matter and should be handled with care, consideration, professionalism, and an unbiased approach. That's how smart business owners and…

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How to Establish Trust in the Workplace

How Trust Affects Workplace Morale, Productivity, Loyalty and Ultimately Your Bottom Line When it comes to establishing trust in the workplace, Marsha Sinetar wrote, “trust is not a matter of technique, but of character; we are trusted because of our way of being, not because of our polished exteriors or our expertly crafted communications.”…

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How to Transition Back to Working In-Office After a Pandemic

Avoiding Workplace Conflict After Working From Home With many businesses re-opening after several months of working from home amidst a global pandemic, many workers are finding themselves being transitioned back to working out of the office. Like with any sudden change, it can open the door for potential conflict if the transition isn’t handled…

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